Gazing upon the Bridegroom

Song of Solomon 6:4,5

4  Thou art beautiful,O my love, as Tirza, comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army with      banners.

5  Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome me: Thy hair is as a flock of      goats that appear from Gilead.

Going to pull out the first clause of verse five. 

     Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome me:

What a glorious picture of the love of Christ for his bride. Can we mortals process such stunning language? For God so loved the world is a statement that staggers the imagination of fallen man. We can hardly react with anything but a sense of wonder, so the declaration, unfathomable often goes without due understanding. It becomes a doctrine, a statement of faith, anything but the startling fact that God has openly declared his love for mankind in more than a passive “fatherhood of God” kind of love.  But now we look at his beloved’s love to him. Described to us in the verse above it is titillating; impassioned; romantic. It is the voice of one who, having fallen head over heels in love with the young lady of his dreams, upon seeing her looking his way, finds his heart rate increasing to the point where he wants to get away from the gaze of love to catch his breath. The visceral response to her eyes on him overcomes him with feelings and bodily responses he is not accustomed to, and in the case of Christ’s bride focusing her eyes on her beloved….to provoke such a response in our Jesus is one of the great, simply marvelous mysteries of the nature of our God that calls us to him in love. How can it be? And while the relationship of Christ to his church as a bride and her husband is a great bible truth, how much have we disappointed him by keeping it just a great bible truth. There is something about our loving gaze upon his unparalleled beauty that makes his heart skip for joy. David cries out “What is man that thou art mindful of him?” I cry out in my feeble way “How could it be that one so undone as I could stir the heart of God by simply gazing upon his simple beauty? No earthy myth comes close; the greatest human storyteller could not construct such an incomprehensible story. The powerful king, smitten with love for a peasant girl, leaves his throne and disguises himself as a peasant to win her heart will not do. My lover, king of kings and lord of lords humbles himself, actually becomes one of us, and then dies a horrible death to prove his love. But the story does not end. He conquers death, rescues his bride and takes her to his palace where he spends the rest of eternity loving her; Surprising her with delight. It doesn’t get any grander than that! May our hearts be challenged to gaze upon Jesus until we hear his heart beating in ours.

“Who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

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